Friday, March 16, 2012

God's Grace in Reconciliation

A friend of mine introduced me to the song "Oh My Dear" by Tenth Avenue North last Tuesday evening. It is about a man who visits his girlfriend because she has something to tell him. She sinned in some way and is afraid to confess the sin to him but knows she must. He reassures her of his commitment to her no matter what she did and to stick by her side as she puts off the sin. I am only acquainted with Tenth Avenue North, so I do not know the general content of their songs, but I will say that I do not hear many songs about confession of sin between two people. I appreciate it.

I appreciate it even more now because last night I was in a similar scenario. The specifics are different (such as the nature of the relationship), but it involved confession, a visit, and reconciliation. The main similarity was grace. God's grace was all over the situation. He led us to have humility and patience toward one another. In our confronting, listening, apologizing, explaining, and laughing, I see how His grace ended conflict and restored our friendship. If left to ourselves, I would probably be bitter now, and he'd still be confused. I am so thankful for the ultimate example of reconciliation in the gospel! Because God has reconciled us with Himself by the blood of Jesus Christ, we can reconcile our differences with one another. He not only gave us grace in saving us through faith, but He also continues to lavish grace on us in all wisdom and insight as we need it. Praise Him!

Like the song says, grace last night pulled us through.