Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Whole New World and a Deepened Admiration

I finished reading a few articles about linguistics, specifically neuro- and psycholinguistics. I had never heard of these research endeavors before this evening, when I ran across them via a scholarship opportunity on Fastweb. I am fascinated by this world of biology and psychology that I have newly discovered. One of the most interesting articles dealt with lexical functional grammar (LFG).

This summer, God seems to be showing me a side of Him in much greater detail, creating in me much greater awe. I am three weeks in to my summer classes, meteorology and biology. They both require a considerable amount of reading. In meteorology, I read about how small visible light is (think micrometers) and about how an average of 4.6 million pounds of air pressure push against our roofs from the outside.* In biology, I read about buffers in our bodies that keep our pH balance around 7.4 and that we'd die if our pH ever reached 7.0 or 7.8. So what am I saying? The side of God I am talking about is his gracious acts of creativity and sustaining life.

Think about the knowledge involved in the sciences. The neurolinguists and psycholinguists I read about must be well informed in multiple disciplines in order to study the brain's activity regarding language. God created the brain, language, and the scientists who study them. Think of how intelligent God must be. God in His omniscience created all of life in its complexity that mankind is striving to figure out in our limited--comparatively paltry--knowledge.

I was sitting on the tailgate of our truck overlooking the field and thinking about how God made everything interact just right to sustain life. God knew exactly what conditions were required for you and me to inhale and exhale continuously and knew just what to include in a cell to enable it to recycle the materials it uses. Did you know higher than we can see in the atmosphere a layer of chemicals shields most of the UV and virtually all of the X-ray and gamma radiation from reaching the lower atmosphere and killing us? God arranged everything so-so, just the way He wanted it.

I am in awe of God the more and more I learn about the world He created. So many things could exterminate us, but you and I are still here. We can thank God for that. He is so gracious.**

*You may be wondering why our roofs don't collapse. It because the air pressure inside a house is equal to the air pressure outside it. Since air pressure exerts force in all directions, the amount of pressure against the roof is equalized to zero from air pressing down on it and air pressing up on it.
**These last few thoughts follow John Piper's line of thinking in his message "Don't Waste Your Life." You can listen to or read this message by downloading it free here, or you can purchase or read online the book Don't Waste Your Life here.

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