Friday, March 02, 2007

A Word from the Fool

For all you future students out there, let me offer you some wisdom that will come in handy in your college years and maybe even your career.

When you have a calm week with abnormal downtime, take advantage of it, and I don't mean have a leisurely week. Bust your butt like it was any weekly grind of exams and deadlines. I have learned my lesson this week. Trust me, if you don't take advantage of your season of calmness, you'll want to kick yourself later.

Last night I slept for approximately three hours and forty-five minutes. The nights before, I averaged four and a half to five and a half hours of sleep. I am so worn! Why? I've been pushing myself to get A LOAD of schoolwork done on time and do well on a couple tests this week. Last week was the same way but not at the same scale.

Three weeks ago I could have "got ahead" on some of this work and didn't. Instead, I hung out with friends, watched music videos on YouTube with my sister, spent too much time on the Internet, etc.

Note that most people who know me know that I am a classic night owl. Last semester, I stayed up late almost all the time. You would think I'd be used to weeks like these, but on the contrary, my body has become less tolerant this semester. Plus, it seems like there's a big difference between going to bed at three and going to bed at one or two. A psychological difference maybe? All I know is that I can't handle doing homework all hours of the night anymore. Though my addiction to staying up late isn't broken, it has been at least temporarily injured. Seize the day, my friends.

Take it from me, you upcoming scholars, work first and play later. You'll be less stressful, much happier, and much more alert later. (I was so tired yesterday that I couldn't open my eyes all the way without them hurting and, thus, had slits most of the day; my eyes have gone blurry while trying to do algebra at around twelve or one o'clock in the morning; my limbs have felt really fatigued in New Testament history--an awesome class in which I was also falling asleep; I've been getting my words backwards when talking; I've gotten swimmy headed; I'm 100-percent delirious; etc.) The benefits of taking the wise action of nipping homework and studying in the bud surpasses those of some instantaneous pleasure of leisure time tremendously.

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